Alumni College 2021 What's Happening with Reunion?!
We’re planning to celebrate two groups of reunioners this spring –
Everyone in the 0s and 5s, as well as everyone in the 1s and 6s!
The pandemic brought us to a screeching halt last March, but we’ve found new ways to connect and celebrate the milestones that mean so much to us. We are hoping that the New Year will bring positive developments on all fronts, but considering the uncertainty of the times, we think it’s wise to plan for a virtual Alumni College.
Maintaining our connections is an important priority, so we’re exploring the best ways to be together. We welcome all your thoughts and any specific ideas or special requests you may have. We’ll be contacting the Class Committees in January to prepare information to send to all classmates in February, so stay tuned and watch for communications as 2021 unfolds.
Marlene Melone Tutera ’71
Nancy Harkins ‘75
Tara Alfano ‘02
SERVICE AND COMMUNITY OUTREACH Mav Market "While we can't be together, we can still come together"
Greetings fellow proud CNR alums,
During this time of year, we especially thank God for the numerous blessings that have been bestowed upon us. At the same time that we express our gratitude, we should stay mindful that many college students face extreme hardships as they struggle to continue their education.
Food insecurity is a real problem. The Mav Market at Mercy College offers Mercy students, who include our former CNR students, access to a welcoming and confidential site to obtain aid. Because of Covid 19 limitations, students in need can now make individual appointments for pick-up or receive gift cards to purchase food, toiletries, and menstrual hygiene products.
We CNR graduates were instilled with the concept of Serviam. In that spirit, I appeal to you to continue our legacy of service with support for the essential Mav Market. It is so easy to do.
Click here to complete the donation form.
I and the CNR Legacy Council thank you for your generosity. We are truly blessed.
Pat Ahearn Mastellon SAS ‘65
Become a Red Cross Volunteer Today!

Be ready to help your local community! Due to predictions for an active hurricane season and the complexities of COVID-19, the Red Cross will need thousands of volunteers to care for people when disasters strike. Train now to be a Ready Red Cross Volunteer so you can answer the call when your community needs it most.
Click here to apply today.
The Mentoring/Career Development Committee’s goal is to provide both alumni and students with information sharing and networking opportunities for professional and personal development.
- A series of Zoom sessions organized by profession will allow participants to engage in discussions of trending topics, including issues arising from the current pandemic, with others who have similar interests.
- Other Zoom sessions, e-mail communications, or website postings might focus on opportunities such as employment information, internships, and job shadowing.
- If you’re a small business owner, send us details to include in a new a listing of alumni- owned businesses. We want to support your success!
We’re interested in all suggestions that are easy to implement and might benefit you and other alumni. This effort depends on your input!
Rosa Puleo Napoleone ‘75
