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CNR Alumni at Mercy University BLUE
 July 23, 2024 submit a class note 

CNR Alumni Reunion Weekend 2024: A Reflection

2024 reunion

“God so made us that we derived a special joy from participating in the joy of others.” Father Edward Rooney’s opening remarks in his baccalaureate sermon to the CNR Class of 1959.

Joy was palpable in the air at CNR Alumni Reunion, June 14 - 15, 2024. Joy in seeing old friends, joy in meeting new friends, joy in the recollections of past times, places and people.

Keeping with the tradition of past CNR Alumni Reunion weekends, the festivities opened with a BBQ on Friday evening. Thankfully Mercy University made the fortuitous decision to move the BBQ indoors to the cafeteria, saving everyone from a downpour of rain and hail. 

The festivities continued on Saturday morning with the Sister Dorothy Ann Kelly Enrichment Series lecture presented by Sister Mary Virginia Orna. Her discussion of the Chemistry of Color was a fascinating review of how color has influenced fashion, food and pharmaceuticals throughout history. At 90 years of age Sister is as lively, engaging and informative as she was more than 50 years ago… and an incredible reminder of the outstanding faculty/role models we were fortunate to have as CNR students. 

A delicious brunch followed at the Mercy University Rotunda. Tara Alfano, Director of Development for CNR Alumni, SAS ’02 and GS ’04, welcomed everyone to the third in- person CNR Alumni Reunion at Mercy University, reminding us that despite the physical loss of our alma mater, CNR lives on in every one of us: through our compassion, lifelong learning and Serviam. Marlene Tutera, SAS ’71 and member of the Mercy University Board of Trustees, also welcomed the attendees.

Dr. Susan Parish, President of Mercy University, informally greeted all the attendees by visiting each class year’s table. In her formal remarks she clearly reconfirmed Mercy University’s commitment to preserving the CNR Legacy. “CNR and Mercy University share a similar commitment to higher education and to service…As part of our Mercy/ CNR alumni family, you are an important part of moving our mission forward. Whether it is through financial support or mentoring, your involvement makes a real difference in the lives of our students. For that we are truly grateful.”

For the Class of 1974 the festivities continued Saturday evening with a 50th Reunion dinner at the Moller House, home of the CNR Alumni Legacy room and CNR Archives. 
On a personal note, I am grateful to Mercy University for supporting the CNR Alumni Legacy. I am humbled by the spirit of the Ursulines who founded the College of New Rochelle, and I am joyful that once again I had the opportunity to be with and to share in the joy of my classmates, friends, sisters.

It is a strangely wonderful feeling to attend reunion knowing that the true spirit of CNR lives not in a brick-and-mortar campus but within each one of us. Dr. Parish and everyone at Mercy University were so welcoming throughout the weekend. If you haven’t had the opportunity to attend a CNR Alumni College Weekend at Mercy University, I encourage you to do so. It will be a joyful experience. 

  • Annalinda Ragazzo, SAS ‘74
    CNR Alumni Communications Committee


Spotlight Interview: Mary Beth Martin SAS '74


Mary Beth Martin

Mary Beth Martin, SAS ‘74, is a Professor in the Departments of Oncology and Biochemistry and Molecular & Cellular Biology at Georgetown University School of Medicine, having started at Georgetown in 1988 as a Research Instructor. In addition, Mary Beth heads her own research laboratory and is currently studying the effects of environmental metals on the development of breast cancer. She has had a challenging and impressive career in a field lacking women and attributes much of her success to the education as well as the support she received while attending CNR. Click here to read the full spotlight.

  • Chris Morrison SAS ‘72
    CNR Alumni Communications Committee

CNR Connections

This issue of “CNR Connections” includes entries from CNR alums sharing “connections” inspired by reunions on both the East and West Coast. It also reports on family “connections” with CNR and Mercy University, and of “connections” that CNR graduates discovered in unexpected situations. Click here to read the "CNR Connections." 

  • Pat Keegan Abels SAS ‘73
    CNR Alumni Communications Committee


CNR Legacy Council Update 

The last two Legacy Council meetings of this (school) year were held on March 13th and May 8th.  

No formal committee updates were presented at either of these meetings since the intention was to have focused discussions around planning for two upcoming reunion events. Click here to read the full Legacy Council update.

  • Rosa Napoleone SAS ‘75
    CNR Alumni Communications Committee

Did You Know?

As is the case with other institutions of higher learning, information about each of the 38,000 CNR alumni is stored in a database that is maintained by the Development Office at Mercy University.  This information was originally managed by The College of New Rochelle but was transferred over when Mercy University graciously offered to take responsibility for the CNR Alumni community in 2019.

Vital facts about alumni - including e-mail addresses, phone numbers, postal addresses, career information – are the means by which alumni are able to stay connected with their classmates and with the CNR alumni community at-large.  This is also how CNR alumni are able to hear of events that may be of interest and how they are able to receive the CNR Alumni Newsletter.

Keep your information up to date to ensure that you stay connected by clicking here

  • Rosa Napoleone SAS ‘75
    CNR Alumni Communications Committee

Tech Corner


Do you tend to use the same password for all, or many, of your accounts?  Doing so can put you at great risk!  In the event that your password is discovered, all of your accounts could be compromised.

While complex, unique, passwords for each account offer better protection, they can, however, create a nightmare in terms of trying to remember all your passwords.

Password managers can offer a solution to this dilemma. Click here to read the full article on password managers.

  • Rosa Napoleone SAS ‘75
    CNR Alumni Communications Committee



Mary Ann Marriot, SAS ’59 and Annalinda Pandolfi Ragazzo, SAS ’74 celebrated significant reunions this year and chose this prayer in the spirit of reunion to share with all CNR alumni. (They also had the opportunity to meet in-person for the first time at this CNR Reunion weekend, despite working together on this newsletter for the past 4 years). 

Lord, we give thanks for our friends, for connection and laughter, for comfort and strength, for encouragement and unity, for forgiveness and grace, for celebration and joy. They are the many things that make the rich tapestry of blessings, woven through our lives.
Thank you, Amen.



The Mav Market

The Mercy University Mav Market is an inclusive and confidential food and resource pantry  available at all Mercy campuses and open to students, faculty, and staff. 

Click here to make a direct contribution to support the Mav Market.

Mav Market Meals


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Mercy University is Hiring

Mercy is always looking for talented, driven individuals to join as faculty
or support staff.  
Click here for all open faculty and staff positions.


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